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newBookmarkLockedFalling Transformers Universe RPG
TF Universe Admin 0 260 by TF Universe Admin
Jun 30, 2012 17:59:25 GMT -8
newBookmarkLockedFalling Shinda Academy || A Yaoi Afterlife-Themed RP
SAAdmin 0 200 by SAAdmin
Jun 30, 2012 9:08:02 GMT -8
newBookmarkLockedFalling in light years . . .
ILY staff 0 178 by ILY staff
Jun 28, 2012 20:25:25 GMT -8
newBookmarkLockedFalling INSERT COINS HERE!
Sex BobOmb 0 207 by Sex BobOmb
May 3, 2012 18:10:00 GMT -8
newBookmarkLockedFalling CANINE CONSPIRACY
CC 0 188 by CC
May 3, 2012 17:09:24 GMT -8
newBookmarkLockedFalling the fight never ends
Jazzy 0 188 by Jazzy
May 3, 2012 13:00:53 GMT -8
newBookmarkLockedFalling TRON: The Systems
Deleted 0 209 by Deleted
Mar 21, 2012 23:26:40 GMT -8


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SunBurner: HI Sept 15, 2020 21:39:56 GMT -8
Irobashi: The site moved guys: Jan 20, 2014 9:21:40 GMT -8
TechNijui: Hey, guys. Do any of you have Skype whom I can add? You can find me by searching "scorchrust", my OC's name. I'll add you back this friday because I can't get on Skype atm! Jan 20, 2014 9:18:11 GMT -8
Irobashi: Ello Jan 18, 2014 19:09:36 GMT -8
Deleted: Well hello guys. I have a working computer with an internet connection again. :) Jan 17, 2014 20:03:21 GMT -8
Irobashi: I'm mostly around on Skype. I'm working on moving the site. Jan 16, 2014 17:26:47 GMT -8
jeffsolaris: My Skype is Shrike925. Jan 15, 2014 21:08:53 GMT -8
Guest: If not, when any of you have a chance I am considering joining. I need to discuss certain character aspects over Skype. Jan 15, 2014 21:06:00 GMT -8
Guest: By any chance would any staff members be on? Jan 15, 2014 21:04:07 GMT -8
Guest: Hello. Jan 15, 2014 21:03:54 GMT -8
Irobashi: Hang in there guys. Jan 15, 2014 19:14:40 GMT -8
Crusher007: Good enough for me, haha I do hope things get back to their normal pace soon enough though Jan 10, 2014 14:42:20 GMT -8 *
Maple: We might take a while to get back to our usual pace, but we're doing our best. :) Jan 10, 2014 14:06:05 GMT -8
Crusher007: Well, real life sometimes is a bitch and things happen. I know it's been quite awhile since I've seen the majority of you so it's good to see you all return, ^^ Jan 9, 2014 18:34:14 GMT -8
SeekerWing: It's nice to be back. I just wish I could still move threads so that I can clean my stuff up. It's... Kinda shameful to have a whole board with my name on it for slow threads. Jan 9, 2014 8:27:39 GMT -8
Crusher007: Great to see you ladies return, ^^ Jan 8, 2014 20:35:10 GMT -8
SeekerWing: I would like to be added... Oo Jan 8, 2014 11:51:31 GMT -8
Irobashi: Jetta, we need to discuss the bugs in the site. Jan 8, 2014 6:17:43 GMT -8
Irobashi: Jetta and Iris have permission to add others. Jan 8, 2014 6:16:35 GMT -8
Irobashi: If you want to be added to Falling Skies' group chat on Skype, let me know! Jan 8, 2014 6:16:17 GMT -8
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